Saturday 15 May 2010

let's play with statistics, shall we?

have u heard about Millenium Development Goals? the first time i heard of it when i have to do a presentation about it back in my kyuem years. it is aproject done by the United Nations in order to solve the problem of poor nations. They have galvanized unprecedented efforts to meet the needs of the world’s poorest. basically, they have 8 goals which are :

1. End poverty and hunger
2. Universal education
3. Gender Equality
4. Child health
5. Maternal health
6. Combat HIV/AIDS
7. Enviromental sustainability
8. Global partnership

this project started at 2000 and by 2015, it suppose to achieve its targets. so here are some informations that i want to share.

1. eradicate poverty and hunger

in 2007,55.5% of employed peoples from sub-saharan africa earn less than 1$ a day while in europe, there are no one which lives under this circumstances. could u imagine earning only 30$ a month while we sometimes spent that amount in a day?

in 2006, the number of children under five in developing countries who were underweight still exceeded 140 million.

2. achieve universal primary education

in sub-saharan africa,the net enrolment ratio has only recently reached 71% ,even after a significant jump in enrolment that began in 2000(54% in 2000) which is around 38 million of children. and yes, the main factor is the poverty grip.

3. promote gender equality and empower women

only 89 girls per 100 boys that enroll in primary schools and 80 in secondary schools in sub-saharan africa compared to 100% in developed countries.

job oppurtinities for women are open up, but often remain trapped in insecure, low-paid positions.

4. reduce child mortality

in 2006, 157 per 1000 childrens under five die in africa. this is about 3/20 which is 4.7 million.

the leading causes of childhood death is pneumonia, measles, diorrhea, malaria and undernutrition.

this is it about this time. tak larat dah nak menulis. nanti banyak sangat pula fact korang nak absorb..hehe

so u guys, do be grateful for what we have now. we are wayyyyy better than those people. belajar pun bawah pokok je. ini kita dalam kelas dulu panas sikit pun dah komplen2. makan benda sama 2 hari berturut2 pun komplen. diorang dari kecil lagi kena struggle untuk hidup. bersyukurlah kita dengan nikmat tuhan berikan.

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